Call for Posters

International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics

Advanced coatings for large-area and high-volume products

The International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics (ICCG) is the leading global conference on science and technology of coatings for a large-area or high-volume products. ICCG is bringing researchers, technical experts, industry innovators, and decision makers from academia, research institutions, material and equipment suppliers, coating manufacturers, and end-users together to discuss the latest developments and future trends in coating technology.

The submission of oral presentations is already closed, but it is still possible to submit a scientific poster abstract. Please submit your poster abstract(s) by creating an account and afterwards add a submission.

Instructions for the submission of a poster abstract for ICCG 2024:

  1. The conference language is English and all abstracts and papers must be submitted in English.
  2. Abstracts must be submitted online. Do not fax, mail or email your abstract as it will not be considered.
  3. In order to exhibit a poster at the conference, please submit a short abstract first. The full technical paper or extended abstract should be submitted several weeks after you have received a message, accepting your contribution, from the programme committee, for the conference proceedings.
  4. Please note that the presenting author has to register for participation at the conference (special reduced prices for speakers from the industry and academia will apply).
  5. Abstracts, posters, papers and slides for the conference must be non-commercial and focused exclusively on technical/scientific content. The use of trade names shall be avoided wherever possible. The presented research should focus on original ideas and not be published elsewhere.

Call for Papers ends: February 14, 2024 (Submission closed for oral presentations, open for posters)

Notifications of acceptance: March 7, 2024

Submission of full technical papers for the conference proceedings: May 13, 2024